On Order Products
The catalog on order offers you a wide choice of products that we do not have in our premises but that we can have you on demand. Delivery times may vary because the products in the catalog may be pre-orders with a closing date that have not yet been released in Europe. If there are still quantities available, it gives you a second chance to get products that you missed while pre-ordering.
Otherwise, these are items purchased by our customers that are out of stock. In this case and provided that one of our suppliers still have quantities available, these are products that can be immediately ordered and that will arrive on one of our next arrivals. The deadlines may also vary but we usually have regular arrivals.
If you are interested in a product or products, here is the best way to proceed so that your request can be processed as quickly as possible:
- Create a customer account
- Enter a delivery address
- Contact us by indicating the desired reference (s)
Old preorders
As explained, the catalog on order section is also where you can find old items for pre-order. Indeed, once the closing date has passed, the meter disappears and pre-order products are found directly in this category. Thus, if one of your pre-orders has not yet arrived at your home, it is possible that the pre-ordered product has been postponed and by looking for it in the catalog on order, you will be able to find its new exit period. The product delayed are obviously beyond our control and come from various reasons (customs, production problem, manufacturer report, etc.).
Availability Dates
When you want to order a product on order, we give you the date of availability that we are given by the supplier.
Factors beyond our control may affect these availability dates:
- Production contingencies of the manufacturer that may need more time
- Transport concerns (the majority of products are transported by boat by container)
- Unusually long customs controls
If your product is the subject of any of these setbacks, we will notify you by mail as soon as we have the information. We then indicate the new availability date.
The product is in great demand, it can happen that the supplier produces and delivers the goods in several times. In these cases, we process orders in the chronological order in which they have passed. This means that, in a situation of high demand, the first to order are the first served. It is recommended to place your order as soon as possible if you want to be delivered as soon as possible.